Interview Questions and Answer
a. RouteConfig.cs is routing configuration for ASP.Net MVC.
b. RouteConfig.cs is used to register global MVC bundles.
c. Registering styles and scripts
d. Registering namespaces
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a. cshtml
b. vbhtml
c. .aspx
d. .asax
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a. Controller, Constructor
b. Web.Config
c. Global.asax, Application_Start
d. Global.asax, Session_Start
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a. It lists all the source code files of the project (.vb & .cs) of the project.
b. Use to track packages installed in the project along with their respective versions.
c. It is used while packaging the application to deploy in the production machine.
d. It has all the configuration settings of an application.
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a. It has all the code shared between all the Views in an application
b. It has all the Global code shared in a application
c. It has CSS Styles
d. It used for setting the Layout/Master page of the application
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a. Are used for mapping the Urls to Action Method of given Controller
b. Are Identified with a Unique Name
c. Are used for setting default value for Route Data
d. Are supposed to be added to Route table for every request.
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a. 1. App initialization 2. Locate and invoke controller action 3. Routing 4. Instantiate and render view 5. Instantiate and execute controller
b. 1. App initialization 2. Locate and invoke controller action 3. Routing 4. Instantiate and execute controller 5. Instantiate and render view
c. 1. App initialization 2. Routing 3. Instantiate and execute controller 4. Locate and invoke controller action 5. Instantiate and render view
d. 1. App initialization 2. Instantiate and execute controller 3. Locate and invoke controller action 4. Routing 5. Instantiate and render view
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a. Views/Shared/Home
b. /Home
c. /Views/HomeController
d. /Views/Home
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